Hydraulic release bearing in Renault box

Sorry if this has been covered, I did look but couldnt see it. I`m building another car and am inverting the Renault box again but this time want to avoid modified clutch forks and other bits hanging below the gearbox. I want to use a hydraulic release bearing but there isnt much space and was wondering if anyone has used one between a Renault and a 302. If anyone has I`d be grateful if you could point me in the direction of the best (cheapest?) to fit. Thanks for any help you can give me on this. Searching for the right part can take ages as I`m sure you know and I`m on a bit of a tight schedule this time.

I've used a modified Saab concentric clutch release with a R21 (normal way up!) & a 302, operating an AP racing paddle clutch.

TBH it's not a quick or cheap job to fit & involves some machining, but it does work very well. It makes my un-sprung clutch alot less violent & pedal pressure is quite light. Also it moves the slave cylinder further away from the heat of the exhaust manifold.

Sorry I haven't got a better picture than this. the company that supplied the parts & did the machining for me were ARK Racing in Penkridge, Staffordshire tel 01785 715234.

Hope this helps!


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Thanks Julian, it never occurred to me that it would be a standard part so I`ll look into that. Thanks Ian I`ll investigate a bit further but Chris Coles std bellhousing wont work for me if thats what you are suggesting. Sorry I didnt reply over the weekend but I`ve got a 14 year old daughter who hogs the computer.