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  • Do you have a VASS engineer lined up to assist you? I know a few and one in particular is well versed with GT40.
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    Reactions: Ryan Love
    Ryan Love
    I have spoken with a few VASS in general over the year. I have also been a member/committee member off the VCBG as well and have connections through that group as there is a lot of clubmans that get built. I want to join the local GT40 club and cobra clubs in Melbourne to see if i can gain any incite there.
    Ryan Love
    this is why I have drawn the fuel crossover chassis at this point as i may need to have a ADR compliant seat installed.
    Just testing the message service. I just read your build log. Nice work. I'm also in Melbourne eastern suburbs, Wonga Park. Are you a CAD designer? I am, in the auto industry, so read your log with interest. I like what your doing. Big challenge. Have you looked at what CCD and Gelesco Motorsport do? Very impressive. Recently restarted my research into a GT40 kit. Researching and dreaming.
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    Reactions: Ryan Love
    Ryan Love
    I last worked Auto Industry in 02.
    I try and use photos of known original Abbey cars where possible as that is what I am trying to recreate. I am not certain on the Tennant, Gelscoe, CCD, GOX, Mirage, SPF changes. No doubt mine will also have its own unique idiosyncrasies that will crop up.
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