Reno, NV

Hello all, I am in Reno till the 26 this month, and was looking to see if there is someone in the area with a GT40 that they wouldn't mind letting me take a look at? I got my own project back home, but figured I see if anyone would let me have a look see to just get ideas of good fit and form for when the time comes to better have a goal towards rather than winging it. Which honestly is what I will probably do as things don't quite align.

Original or kit type doesn't matter to me, this is to more get a better idea of body part orientations.

Feel free to message a reply to remain off grid if you please.


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I live in Reno and have a SPF MKII. Unfortunately I am not sure the timing will work. I am leaving town tomorrow and will return the night of the 25th. If you are still in town on the 26th I would be happy to show it to you.

Thank you for the response, I will be in the 26th but finalizing work stuff and flying out as soon as that is done.


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Doug, I'm in south Reno, just got back after a weekend away and saw this request. DM me if you want to try and arrange something.
