Wheel Arch Closing Panel Assemblies

Adam C.

GT40s Sponsor
A small batch of wheel arch closing panel assemblies are almost complete. These things look simple, but they are a pain to make!
They will include the 10 spring mounting tabs that are bonded to the fiberglass bodywork.

I'm thinking about offering them 2 ways:
1) with the aftermarket quarter-turn fasteners pictured along with springs.
2) Without the fasteners (but with all else) for those that have sourced the original EHF6-60's.

Let me know if you are interested to help figure out how many to make of each.


Adam C.

GT40s Sponsor
I won't know exactly until they are in the box and ready to ship, but it looks like ~$350 with the quarter turns, springs, rivets all installed. Also includes powder coating of course.


Adam, As with the eyeball vents, I started down this path but did not finish mine. I had yet to make the divot for the headlight. I will pull mine out and advise.

Adam C.

GT40s Sponsor
Finally finished! It feels good to be on the other side of this project. It's the simple-looking ones that you have to be wary of.

Only 7 unsold sets survived the forming process. Not sure I would make them again.

I have a set or two with NOS Dzus fasteners. Reach out if interested, but be prepared for sticker shock.


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