Iva certificate

My GT40 passed it's IVA test, second Time Lucky.
On my certificate the tester explained to me that in the "year of first registration" box, he had to write the word used, as I have one used part (my engine).
He also said it's out of his hands but the DVLA may give me a Q registration or may not.
Obviously this has left me worried.
Is this normal? And I just have to prove that the used part has been reconditioned to as new?


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As far as I’m aware, as long as you have proof that every other part is new and your old engine has been reconditioned to “as new” you will get a current (2022) registration. A Q would be issued if any parts were of “indeterminate origin”


What on earth is the purpose of requiring all parts to be "new" or "reconditioned as new"?
It’s just for registration purposes. Some cars (usually Cobras) are registered as the year of their “donor”……this can be as little as steering column, rear axle, front uprights and brakes. For a brand new registration, the car has to be built of all new (bar one) parts.
Used parts will saddle the car with a “Q” plate which is impossible to get rid of (legally anyway) and devalues the vehicle.

Brian Magee

I did not think that the IVA had any imput into the registration of the vehicle. It is a few years since I put a car through the IVA but I can't remember having to show bills etc. to the examiners. That is for the DVLA to decide from the paperwork you supply to them.

My Certificate is from 2017 and seems different. I have a box on the left for year of manufacture : 2017 next to it a box with Date of Registration and provision for writing a date, but it just has a line through. In my opinion that "used" in the date may be a mistake although my V5 in the notes section, has note 1 KIT built assembled from parts all of which may not be new, so it may have something to do with that. I can understand your worry about a Q reg the thought gave me sleepless nights, Maybe the best thing to do is contact DVLA, although with things as they are at present that may be difficult. I had an issue when my V5 had a note 2 saying emission limit 5CO 0.3, 0.2 FI HC0.02FI, Labda 0.97-1.03. They opened a case after I called them and despite what people say about the DVLA they were very helpful. Bit of correspondence and it was changed to visual inspection only and a new V5 issued. Just explain what you are worried about, you have the paerwork to prove it should not have a Q reg if that is what it is going to be issued with.