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Ron Earp

Alright folks, title says it all. This is the procedure for uploading pictures to this forum and making them appear WITH your post. It cannot make them appear INLINE with your post, that is like a book with text all around it as this guide is, but it will make them appear with your post so folks can see what you're talking about.

Step One - start making a post. Notice below the text box there is a button called Manage Attachments. Click it.


Step Two - upload your files using the dialog box. You can upload five at a time.


Step Three - After you've uploaded the files the uploaded files will be listed and you must click the Close Window text.


And that is it. Continue your post as normal and hit submit. The post will be shown and thumbnails of each image shown at the bottom of your post. That's the best the forum can do right now, so, if this isn't what you want you'll need to host your images somewhere else and load them inline.

If you have problems with a security token etc. then clear your cache, close your browser, and reload

Have fun!


Lifetime Supporter
You can take this a step further and display the image full size by previewing the post, clicking on the attachment, and copying the attachment URL into an image tag.



  • white.jpg
    265.8 KB · Views: 2,043
Being a PC dummy, does the method Mike has posted above use more bandwidth? If you click on the thumbnail you end up with same size pic as his larger pic anyway and its only one click to obtain either.


Lifetime Supporter
I'm sure it does as it now has to render more pixels. In the grand scheme of things in these days of video, Snapchat, and Instagram, rendering static images is just noise. Your teenage daughter's data usage dwarfs anything us old geezers are doing on some car forum.

Ron Earp

Please bear in mind the system we put in place to show thumbnails in order to conserve bandwidth was done in 2006. Before iPhone/smartphones, before 4G connections, when a significant number of the population did not even have WiFi in their homes. The system is old, outdated, and needs replacement, as does the entire forum software.
I've tried posting jpgs this weekend, all are smaller than the max resolution and file size allowed and the upload fails every time (tried from multiple computers to). I just followed the instructions listed here and sill get the message "upload error" on each file.
Would it be possible for those pictures hosted on this site to have location data stripped automatically?
As people use their phones more and more for camera duties it can be easy to forget to turn off or strip location data.

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