Holman Automotive

Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

I apologize from the bottom of my heart that I only came home with one usable photo from Lee Holmans new location in Charlotte, NC. I'll certainly be heading back over there and promise I'll take better hardware with me to get better images.

Here is one of the racing Falcons that is being built up at Holman Automotive:



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Ron Earp

Someone asked me a good question the other day. So, if HM builds a GT40, now, what is it? Does it get a numbered chassis and called an original car? Why? What if Joe Schmo gets the same chassis and builds himself a car, what is his? My answer is simple, I call them both "cars", but it did raise an interesting point.
IMHO, HM has the documentation to call it a real MK II...but not an original, which conotates manufacture during the original timeframe. Real question is whether
HM will sell any at the price they ask.


Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen
I have never asked Lee how he is identifying his cars. That is a good question. I do know, from past visits and the several articles that have been written, that his cars have been approved by most, if not all by now, the vintage racing associations to show and compete with the "real" cars. Lee is absolutely manical about originality and, say what you will, if anyone ever deserved to be allowed to show, race and be compared to the original cars, it is Lee Holman.

Lee is a business man and as he said during my last visit, "everything in this shop is for sale." The price is another matter. I can't speak for Lee, of course, but I bet it would cost the better part of a complete car to get one of those tubs from him. Speaking of which, Alain the picture you posted is the exact shot that I had hoped to post. All of those tubs lined up across the shop floor is pretty impressive. He also has a tub that is all prepped and ready for construction on display in his main lobby that I really wanted to post. The vertical racking system where he has all manner of front and rear clips was another.

Hmmm - that would mean I can see 16 "new" MK II's during the next years here in Europe? Sounds too good to be true....especially if I remember the price of 600k for a chassis.


Lynn Larsen

Lynn Larsen

If that is the case, Lee doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry to get them built. I had heard that there were a number of moncoque chassis being built for that series, but I had not heard that they were those that Lee has.

I know he has stopped work on the T44 transaxle to build the 4 racing Falcons, so that also says he's not in a big hurry to build Mk IIs. I saw no evidence of a Mk II being actively built when I was there. Lee did tell me that he is having blocks custom cast since he can't get any more. So if he is having blocks cast, transaxle cases cast and basically building the drive trains from scratch, it will be quite some time before anyone sees 16 new Mk IIs anywhere.
