Pete Schömer

Ron Earp

Pete is definitely logging into this site from Canada and he has told me he lives or resides in Canada if my memory serves.
Pete is definitely logging into this site from Canada and he has told me he lives or resides in Canada if my memory serves.

Didn't he also claim to being treated for cancer in Canada? This just just gets more twisted as it goes on.

But Tom, why do you continue to besmirch Pete's good name? :)
Guess cause I'm out 13000 dollars, tons of wasted time with this "messer" as the say in England, AND I'm still pissed off!

Imagine that !


It is really hard to put the smart-ass tone I intended in a post....I was afraid you would think I was defending this asshat!

Yes, Pete is a "right wanker" alright!

Jim Rosenthal

There's hope, if he's being treated for cancer: either the treatment will be successful and he'll live to get sued, or he'll kick off and end up where he richly deserves to be.


Lifetime Supporter
Moral of this story... never put more money or product on the line that you cannot stomach to lose. Sorry about your luck with this thief. The name Pete Schömer is chit!
Sorry to say guys... Pete is at his tricks still.
Thought I'd register and post here just to reinforce to be careful.
He replies to my emails within seconds... so he email is for sure still working!
Long story which I found suspicious straight away so never parted with money... but the guys a scammer, and seems to assume others are stupid... creating fake emails in my case, which are so obviously written by the same person.
Be careful guys....


Sorry to say guys... Pete is at his tricks still.
Thought I'd register and post here just to reinforce to be careful.
He replies to my emails within seconds... so he email is for sure still working!
Long story which I found suspicious straight away so never parted with money... but the guys a scammer, and seems to assume others are stupid... creating fake emails in my case, which are so obviously written by the same person.
Be careful guys....

Waaay to introduce yourself Paul..... :)
Sorry to hear it Tom, that's a serious bummer. Ouch.

It looks like Pete operates, and advertises himself (at least in the past), as a business. Here in the US it's typical that a business is subject to double or triple damages for engaging in commercial fraud - the notion there being that if they have treated one customer that way they've probably done it to others. My father was the plaintiff in a similar type case (classic car/parts, commercial seller, etc.) a few years back and the recovery was pretty staggering...triple damages plus costs and such, it was well into the six figures. The s-bag defendant paid the damages on the spot because the court issued a lien upon the defendant's commercial facilities and also his personal home. It went all the way to the state supreme court so the legal costs were substantial.

It's not a fun process but litigation can often produce a just result. The international aspect to your case makes it more difficult of course but I know if I was you I would be engaging a UK solicitor both from the standpoint of recovering costs and also just the principle of it. You never know, Pete may have a house or some other asset which can be liened and thereby leverage gained. One thing I'll say is that you have to be prepared to go the full distance in prosecuting the case...beyond what the defendant will go...and understandably not everyone is up to that.
I received this today

Hi Tom

I was closely involved with Peter way back in 2006-9. We were both involved in historic motorsport at the time and engaged in the promotion of a Bugatti type 51 that I collected and successfully promoted on his behalf.
To cut to the chase, the man is a total fraud. I am truly sorry that that you have also been absorbed into his world as he is a very creditable character, very good with talking the talk (But not walking the walk...)
I knew the man on a personal level, spent many an hour in his house, drinking his beer, enjoying barbeques, etc, and supported him promoting the Bugatti at numerous prestigious events (Vintage racing, etc). I dissemanated my relationship with Peter in 2009, following a clearly fraudant potential transaction.
Peter also owes me money. I was able to resolve the Bugatti Type 51 situation with the owner and his lawyers and the car was eventually recovered from Schomer. He was very, very close to legal action and to be honest I am a little surprised he was not appreciative of, let's be frank, saving his arse!
I am a little surprised he is still operating. I thought he might have learned his lesson. Obviously not. So please be advised, he cannot be trusted. Please feel free to extrend this email to all your contacts in the classic and vintage car world.
Best regards
